
kennel lyudzhen/Питомник бульмастифов

males/кобели питомника

females/суки питомника

puppies/щенки бульмастифа

our offsprings/наши потомки


photo gallery/фотогалерея

In memory/ в памяти

links/ссылки, обмен баннерами

Питомник "Люджен" РКФ предлагает щенков бульмастифа. В разведении используются лучшие крови Англии, Европы и Америки.
Тел. 8-916-705-84-14
Людмила Ханыкова
“Lyudzhen” kennel RKF offers puppies. Best  British, European and American
bloods are used in breeding.
owner Lyudmila Khanykova
free counters

The page devoted in memoriam to our bullmastiffs. They are not with us, but they live in our hearts and minds.
At the edge of the horizon there is a Rainbow Bridge. When pets die, and if they were loved by somebody, they go to that Rainbow Bridge after their death. Our friends can run and play altogether there on the vast valleys and hills. There is lots of food, water and sunlight, and it is comfortable and cosy for them. All old and sick pets turn into young and energetic there. Those who had injuries and hurts become healthy and strong. Time goes fast for them there, if only we remember them in our thoughts and dreams. Our pets are happy and satisfied with everything except for one thing there, all of them left this world too early and they all left someone beloved here.
Macsai Orzo Bruno
Macsai Orzo Bruno Bullero`s Just As Good
Гринн Филл Мартина
You will stay in our hearts, we will love and remember you forever. We are grateful to you for your devotion, love, tenderness and understanding.






















Photos of Natalia Antonova, Micko Castren are used in this site.
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